Funep’s Ethical Channel is a way of expanding our commitment to transparency and ethics.

This Channel was created to comply with Law n. 12,846/2013, called the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law, which was regulated by Decree n. 11,129/2022, which served as the basis for establishing the requirements of the ABNT NBR ISO 37001/2017 Standard, which implements, in Organizations, the Anti-Bribery Management System and the Integrity Program. The Ethical Channel allows the communication/denunciation of proven or suspected situations of the practice of illicit acts, provided for in the Law, and other unethical attitudes.

The information registered here will be treated confidentially, securely and with absolute secrecy. The Ethical Channel can be used for anonymous or identified reports, as well as for criticism and suggestions.

Funep will not allow retaliation against anyone who reports a concern in good faith and all violations, with a reasonable certainty degree of the facts reported, will be properly clarified, showing everyone that any type of unethical conduct will not be tolerated.

This impartial tool is available to Funep’s internal and external audiences.

Along with Funep’s Integrity Program or Compliance Program, the Anti-Bribery Management System was implemented, based on the ABNT NBR ISO 37001: 2017 Standard, conveying to its collaborators and partners, t he certainty and tranquility that they are working with an incorruptible and honest Foundation, with which they can sign contracts / agreements and invest their resources, whether in financing research projects, sponsoring events or publishing books, without the fear and insecurity that there may be any type of misconduct because the work at Funep is carried out with ethics and transparency.

Anti-Bribery Management System

Along with Funep’s Integrity Program or Compliance Program, the Anti-Bribery Management System was implemented, based on the ABNT NBR ISO 37001: 2017 Standard, conveying to its collaborators and partners, t he certainty and tranquility that they are working with an incorruptible and honest Foundation, with which they can sign contracts / agreements and invest their resources, whether in financing research projects, sponsoring events or publishing books, without the fear and insecurity that there may be any type of misconduct because the work at Funep is carried out with ethics and transparency.

Code of Ethics and Conduct